By the end of Grade 7, students will: 

  • A1. Listening to Understand: determine meaning in a variety of oral French texts, using appropriate listening strategies; 
  • A2. Listening to Interact: interpret messages accurately while interacting in French for a variety of purposes and with diverse audiences; 
  • A3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in oral French texts about aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of French sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations and communities.


By the end of Grade 7, students will: 

  • B1. Speaking to Communicate: communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of speaking strategies and age- and grade-appropriate language suited to the purpose and audience; 
  • B2. Speaking to Interact: participate in spoken interactions in French for a variety of purposes with diverse audiences; 
  • B3. Intercultural Understanding: in their spoken communications, demonstrate an awareness of aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of the appropriate use of French sociolinguistic conventions in a variety of situations.


By the end of Grade 7, students will: 

  • C1. Reading Comprehension: determine meaning in a variety of French texts, using a few reading comprehension strategies; 
  • C2. Purpose, Form, and Style: identify the purpose(s) and characteristics of a variety of adapted and authentic text forms, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media forms; 
  • C3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in French texts about aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of French sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations and communities.


By the end of Grade 7, students will: 

  • D1. Purpose, Audience, and Form: write in French in a variety of forms and for a variety of purposes and audiences, using knowledge of vocabulary and stylistic elements to communicate clearly and effectively; 
  • D2. The Writing Process: use the stages of the writing process – including pre-writing, producing drafts, revising, editing, and publishing – to develop and organize content, clarify ideas and expression, correct errors, and present their written work effectively; 
  • D3. Intercultural Understanding: in their written work, demonstrate an awareness of aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of the appropriate use of French sociolinguistic conventions in a variety of situations.