French Immersion programs offer students the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the French language and culture while pursuing their education. In Grade 7, students in French Immersion programs continue to refine their language skills, focusing on dictée, which is a spelling and grammar exercise that challenges them to accurately write and punctuate sentences in French. 

Grade 7 is a crucial year for students as they build on the language foundation laid in earlier grades. Dictée exercises help reinforce proper spelling, grammar, and vocabulary usage. Through regular practice and assessment, students develop strong written communication skills in French, allowing them to express themselves effectively and with precision.

This grade represents a key milestone in the French Immersion journey, as students become increasingly proficient in both spoken and written French. It lays the groundwork for more advanced language learning in the years ahead, ultimately equipping students with valuable bilingual abilities that can open doors to diverse career opportunities and a deeper appreciation of the French language and culture.